This is the design work currently being done for my personal portfolio website.  Once the design is finished, I will build the site using the static site generator Jekyll, as well as a few other tools to maintain functionality normally needing a database - such as the contact form.

These views will be updated as the finalized designs are completed.
The current landing page design.  The idea behind this layout is to provide quick information about myself, quick access to a featured project, and the three most recent blog posts.
Desktop View (Landing Page)
Mobile View of Landing Page
The Projects Page will show four recent projects.  Currently, there will be two project case studies openly published and two case studies published but, due to contractual obligations, accessible via an authentication protected page.
Projects Page (desktop view)
Projects Page (mobile view)
This is indicative of what a project case study will be.  

The purpose of the case study is to record and publish the process and thinking that went into the project, as well as insight into the tools used, challenges overcome, and why (or why not) the outcome was successful.

Again, the design here is unfinished - updated and/of finalized designs up soon!
Project Case Study (desktop view)
Project Case Study (mobile view)
The informational page will provide more detailed information about me as well as a quick look at some of my clients, a way to reach out to me, and a link to download a PDF copy of my resumé.
Information Page (desktop view)
Information Page (mobile view)
Blog Page (desktop view)
Blog Page (mobile view)
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